this page is a work in progress!
last updated: 1/4/2023

Preston Modigvarg,
The Clover Cavalier.
β€” ✧ β€”
he/him ⋆ Dendro Swordsman ⋆ 4/27
5'5" ⋆ Mondstadt ⋆ Knights of Favonius, Cavalry Company.

The ever-reliable, latest addition to the Knights of Favonius has become quite a popular figure within the heart of the City of Winds, often called on by name when the people need him. Affectionately titled the Clover Cavalier, his bubbly demeanor and easy-going nature make him a favorite of the townsfolk, even if his incessant rambling can be too much to handle at times!His passion for justice is unrivaled and his loyalty to the people is indisputable, often found napping outside the castle walls down in Windrise during his time off... or drawing - if he isn't already preoccupied gushing about a certain Cavalry Captain, that is.

Being a part of the Cavalry Company is no small feat. With a lack of a present body, however, it's hard to exactly brag about your rank -especially when you have yet to be officially knighted. The damoiseau is patient, however, promised upon the return of Grandmaster Varka from his expedition beyond Mondstadt to receive his proper title - having only avoided being knighted so as to not force the young man to come along when he was not yet experienced enough.

For now, he bides his time by picking up slack where the other knights left behind falter - so well, in fact, that oftentimes people forget he's yet to be named a true cavalier.

Growing up, Preston always aspired to be a knight. Not just influenced by tales of old - he lived among knights, his entire upbringing was surrounded by knights. Being a nobleman's child, he was given ample opportunity to spectate such valiant heroes in their element. He yearned to join them one day, to bask in the glory of chivalrous deeds and the affection of the people - yet for every push made to join their ranks, train among them, he was pulled back into his family's arms, unwillingly at that. They were protective of him, too much so. He wished to prove himself worthy of independence - so he would seek out other means of proving his worth, braving the wilds to test his merit.

.. Which ultimately lead to the knights being sent to fetch him, frantically searching for this lost child seeking adventure. Suffice to say, the knights knew of him for the wrong reasons.

Though having idealized the knights, this never meant he fully incorporated their beliefs into his own at the time. Preston, after all, still was a child - a selfish one at that, more enamored at the thought of being adored rather than being what a knight actually stood for. He was more in love with the glory that came with being a knight - ultimately wanting approval, which would come by any means necessary, no matter the cost.

This mindset he held in part was why some outcomes of his self-led expeditions were so catastrophic. His reckless decisions would endanger a lot of people who went out of their way to save him, and those he grew close with. He simply didn't know any better, fueled merely by self-servitude - and just refused to learn, head too high in the clouds to realize.

Some 500 years ago - in a place since erased by time, since eradicated by enraged gods waging war on a nation who held no belief in their divinity, was a meeting place for two beings, ruling different regions in their own unique way.

A god of the hunt, and a god of war. The huntress spoke no words, but in her arms she bore a baby wrapped in fur hide. A silent plea - her expression enough.

Please save him.

... Fires rage above the surface, monsters collide and people corrupt - those same gods from before fight for their life, chaos erupts and that same child once held in the hunter's arms, now a little more grown, is knocked away from the destruction - into the darkness below the flame, the Abyss awaits.

What happened from his awakening in the darkness below the surface to his arrival into Mondstadt was a blur - but he's left with one harsh reality that slaps him in the face hard.

Khaenri'ah is no more. He must reinvent himself.

From there does he begin to craft his carefully constructed lie - he's not of nobility, he's of a traveler's heritage, left behind yet having found a life of wandering too tiring to keep up with. Yet, as time passes, he forgets who he used to be. His journal is useless to him now - having been ripped up by reckless hands, angered and resentful of the things he lost - the people he couldn't save, the faces he couldn't recall.

He must reinvent himself. He vowed then to become a knight for good - not for the benefit of himself, but for others around him.

He can't lose what he has again.

"Oh, you mean this thing? You'd be better off asking another Dendro user. As long as I've had this, I still know next to nothing about it."

Preston's always been awfully avoidant on the subject of his vision specifically - because it isn't real. It's a placebo ornament, another lie to put on display for his own benefit. The original brooch was taken from an abandoned shrine - decorated in elemental residue taken from local Dendro Slimes, painted over to give it a glossy green sheen to truly embody a genuine Dendro vision. If one didn't know any better, such a thing could fly so easily under the radar.

Heavily reliant on the resources of Teyvat - and his own _blood,_ to boot, his abilities stem from what he offers to the Leylines. His weapon, a carefully crafted siphoned blade, when pressure is applied to its handle does it extract its handlers' blood - drawing it in the ground does it resonate with the earth, calling upon the aid of the Irminsul to do the user's bidding.

Know simply that the Leylines will not always yield.

Talents & Skills:

Mistletoe Kiss
Normal Attack: performs up to 5 rapid strikes.
Charged Attack: consumes a certain amount of stamina to unleash 2 rapid sword strikes; summons a vine wall.
* constellations provide less cooldown and strengthen vine walls.
Plunging Attack: plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Seeds of Wyrd
- depending on the ground beneath preston, this skill will either grow mushrooms or ferns with a slash, spreading their seeds or spores in an instant.
- mushrooms have a chance of paralyzing or slowing enemies while ferns can trap them or create a 'stuck' effect.

Yggdrasil Waltz
summons a large willow tree that provides an AoE area for both healing and damage. characters who activate their burst at this time alongside the yggdrasil waltz will have their elements combined.

Deadnettle Passion - (asc. 1) when in party but not on field, has a small chance of healing the active character for (x) every (x) seconds.
Forget-Me-Never - (asc. 4) effects on enemies created by dendro increase duration and potency by (x)%
The Way of The Forest - (utility passive) any animal can be viewed and tracked on the map and will not be startled or aggro'd if you get too close to it. this applies to both large and small animals.
Alternative Passive (C6); Ley Line Grace - sprinting triggers a Plant Growth effect; this triggers both on land and water.
- sprinting on land and triggering the Plant Growth effect leaves behind a trail of flowers on land allows for a more flammable space; useful for if all flammable territory has already burned.
- triggering the Plant Growth effect on water leaves a trail of lily pads that can act as a bridge. this effect is limited and the lily pads wither away after 1 second.

Personally, I'd prefer to keep MDNI just due to how frequently I make lewd jokes or suggestive comments! However, if you're a minor looking to follow me, just... please don't interact with such posts.I will never be posting explicitly lewd or NSFW content publicly to my page, as this is reserved for my circles. Thank you!

Please note as well I do not ship my OC with accounts run by minors!
This is just for my personal comfort, thank you.


First and foremost, I struggle a lot with social interaction and may find it difficult to reach out. It takes a lot of time for me to trust people! Please don't take it personally - I'm just generally shy and it's really a lot easier for me to speak on the timeline than it is in DMs. Please be patient with me! And don't be shy to bump things, as I tend to miss notifications from time to time.I'm very plot-centric! I love plots - I love bouncing ideas back and forth and currently have a pre-planned story arc for this character. If you'd be interested in involving your character in it, be it as canon or oc, let me know!My only request is that if you do anything to my character, ie. harming him in some form or fashion, etc, you ask me first. Other than that, I'm fine if I know what's going on!

I would like to note that I am open to exploring more dark/'dead dove' topics in roleplay - however, I do draw the line at specific subjects. If you aren't sure but wish to know, you can ask me!

Reference Kit

Main Body Reference | WeaponsNotes:
⋆ Preston is left-handed. His sword is always in his left hand.
⋆ Star pupils are not optional. They can expand and slit like a cat's pupil to express joy, anger, disgust, etc.
⋆ Preston's freckles glow subtly in the dark, as do his scars. (Updated reference pending.) This glow is intensified if he's around anything that radiates abyssal energy or if he's agitated.

Platonic & Familial Relationships

( ask to be added to the relations! will be heavily selective + requires a LOT of chemistry. thank you! )

Romantic Relationships

( ask to be added to the relations! will be heavily selective + requires a LOT of chemistry. thank you! )


wip, coding isn't working with me right now so.. groan.

omg you wanna know about me??? do u have a crush on me. do u wanna khi i'm preston (real), or otherwise known as albedo or chibi! i'm 21, transmasc and just a silly little guy. i made this oc simply bc i wanted to kiss kaeya and then suddenly he had all this lore on him. yippee!i've been in the GIRP community since may 2021 and have been jus' spreading my kaeston propaganda since then.(this is just filler, i promise i'll put something better when i get around to it.)